Friday, November 23, 2018


This week we have been doing availl which is where we watch a movie and write the subtitles down we are doing our availl on the movie Hugo this is my one for yesterday.

Take a dictionary to the movies
WALT: Use a dictionary to find the meaning of a word.

Word (Perfectly Spelled)
Definition (Choose the best, which is like the way the word was used in the movie)
1. Volume
Didn't get
Suitable for right time
Something new or unusual
One of a set of parallel slates
Make(someone) Drunk or intoxicated
Taking good manners refinement or grase
An unwelcome decision or ruling
Something colour(slightly tinge)

Our country presentation

This week we have been doing a country study. We got a country given to us from the teachers that we had to make presentation on. My country was Canada. Here it is.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Descriptive Horror Writing

This week we have been working on horror story's This is my horror story it isn't done yet but it will nearly be done here it is.

                            The horrored house.
I was walking toward it toward the horrored house the house of horror hill dread. No one ever went near Horror Hill the house is treated badly and has never been looked after, it looks like a pig-sty almost as if it is. I am nearly there.
I get to the fence gate, the fence is very rotten. I go to unlock the gate and the lock is jammed, I force it a bit, finally I get it and open the gate. I shut it and go to the veranda of the house as I walk up the steps the whole fencing around the house including the gate falls over and then the house makes a sound almost as if air is being released from it.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Maths this week

This week we have been learning about angles and degrees.
An angle is where something meets another thing that goes in a different direction eg: Image result for right angles This is a 90 degree angle called a right angle here are all the different types of angles.
Image result for angles
Here is the tool to measure angles.
Image result for angles
It also shows how it works.
There are obtuse angles,right angles and acute angles. eg
Image result for angles
Obtuse are more then 90 degrees right are exactly 90 degrees and acute are less then 90.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Maths this week

This week in maths we are doing co ordinates. these work by a grid the grid has a        y axis and a x axis the y axis is the side line the x axis is the bottom line.
This is a simple one.
Image result for coordinates grid
There are Numbers on both sides on the bottom and on the side this one is a positive grid there is also a negative and positive grid. This is the neg and pos grid.
Image result for coordinates grid

Monday, September 24, 2018

Ink Tapa

This week T3 and T2 have been working on tapa cloth we have chosen a design and drawn it onto our good copy then we used indian ink to go over the lines with a thin brush. After we finish doing that we get to stain it with a tea stain.
This is my tapa with no tea stain.
Today i will get the tea stain on and then it will look much more better.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Recycling Argument

This week I have done a recycling argument about is recycling essential This is my argument.

Recycling argument.

I strongly believe that we should recycle and get rid of plastic.
If we recycle glass, metal and paper it will be good for the environment, animals and our water.

Plastic is bad for the environment it kills. It can kill animals the environment and even us! If we carry on with this plastic and littering we will end up with nothing to live for. Our fresh air will be no longer fresh and our water will be polluted so if we want to keep fresh air and our fresh water we better get rid of all this plastic and start recycling.

It is alright to recycle plastic but where is it all going to go when we stop recycling it? In the ocean in the rivers and what is going to happen to our animals? Dead! All dead.

With recycling the paper metal and glass it is easy to do and  if you drop them they aren't going to be as bad for the environment because paper breaks down super easy and glass is made of sand so if we break glass up into tiny pieces and then bury it it will turn into its natural self. With metal its natural self is just what it is when it is on land so all we need to do really is to cut it up into little bits and bury it. It should be fine.

With plastic bags they use a very special oil.  Oil that takes millions of years to come back. Plastic bags also take 500-600 years to break down and decompose.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Tie dyeing results

We have been working on Tie Dyeing our T-Shirts they are looking great at the moment i haven't done mine yet but looking at the other ones they are good.
Here are some photos of them.

Maths week.

This week is maths week, we changed it because we were very busy earlier in the Term. Totara 3 went to all the junior class's and we did a maths treasure hunt in groups of two-three. The groups started by getting the map, to get the map they had to put numbers in order to ten once they did they got their map. Their was five place's for them to go to. Quiet  area, bell, wall of hall, steps to the dental clinic.
At each of them they got one piece of puzzle. Once they had all of their puzzle piece's they had to go to class and make the puzzle. (It was a square) Once they had done the puzzle they got a maths colouring sheet. They had to do the maths and then they had to colour it.
They had to colour it in the instructions that came with the sheet and then they were done.
After they were done they show'd us things on their iPad's and showed us a cool app on their teachers laptop. After that all of us Totara 3 came back to our class.  

Friday, August 31, 2018

Pica Fummi

This week I have been learning about a Maths game called Pica Fummi. Today I am going to tell you how to play it!

  • Pica means right number wrong place.
  • Fummi means right number right place.
To play this game you will need a white board and white board marker and a partner.
Start off by putting numbers to ten going down the white board like this.

Once you have done that you are ready to go. Pick a three digit number (No double digits) Once chosen a number ask your partner to say any three digit number.

  1.  103
If your partners number has a right number wrong place put 1 Pica, if he has a right number right place put Fummi eg: Your number was 103.
  1.  589 -------
  2.  102 2 Fummi
  3.  301 2 Pica 1 Fummi
So as you have seen the line on number 1 that means there is no number at all in it but if your partner does get your number they have one. 
  1.  589 --------
  2.  102 2 Fummi
  3.  301 2 Pica 1 Fummi
  4.  103 3 Fummi
If your partner wins they pick the number next.
If your partner gets to ten then you get to pick the number again.

So as you can see this is the maths game Pica Fummi. It may seem hard to understand but when you understand it is quite easy.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Zoo Argument

I strongly believe that animals should be in zoos because they get looked after and fed and people can see them and appreciate the animals and they are protected from poachers.

I think that animals get looked after and fed really well because it is a zoo and zoos are meant to look after animals. If they don’t they can get in trouble because they have endangered animals in most zoos. I think that it is good that animals are in the zoo because poachers can’t get them and kill them or finish nearly extinct animals and that is good because maybe we can make nearly extinct animals not so extinct.

I think that animals get much more appreciated than they would in the jungle and that means that people wont get hurt trying to look at dangerous animals and all  animals can be there so everyone can see all types of animals. Zoos can also be very educational places and in some zoos there are classes that people can go to to learn about the animals. This is really good for kids that love animals because they can see the animals up close and learn about it at the same time instead of just looking and learning nothing.

Art Soiree

In Totara for Art Soiree we are tie dying white T Shirts. At our Art Soiree the T Shirts will be up for auction along with lots of other art.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Friday, August 3, 2018

How Totara 3 get to school.

Today I did a pictograph of how Totara 3 get to school each day.
5 People walk,1 Person bikes,18 People take a car,3 People take a bus and 1 person takes bus and car. Most people get to school with a car, the least people get to school by bike.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Using basic Python syntax

Today i have learned to use trinket and code movements an commandos.
We used Tina a turtle to make shapes and faces. Tina can draw and make shapes and colors.
we could use tina.forward(50) and she would move forward 50  we also used tina.right(10)
and tina.left(20) and as strange as it could be there was also tina.backward(50).
You can change the numbers if you dont want it to be tina.forward(50) you could make it tina.forward(100).

Monday, July 30, 2018

Self Respect

For the past week we have been learning about what self respect is. Today we made a video about self respect. Self respect is looking after your property, naming your clothing and having confidence.
This is a link to the class blog and the video. Room 18 blog

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Writing an exposition/argument

We have just started learning about writing arguments. We have looked at the bare bones of writing an argument and showing cause and effect. These are some words that we can use for showing cause and effect.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Work book

 Today we did statistics and learnt different types of graphs.

What is Matariki?

We have been learning about Matariki, this is what we have learnt so far. We are also going to be making kites for Matariki and presenting them next week.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Word Problems

1.  Jack had 50 jelly beans he ate 18 jelly beans how many did he have left?

2.  Jack wanted a packet of jelly beans he got them and ate 20 the packet had 100 in       it how many did he have left?

3.  I have 50 cupcake's i sell 41 how many do I have left?

4.  100 people bought lemonade I had 192 cups how many do I have left?

5.  I have 4 iPods someone gave me another one and then 4 of my friends wanted one how many do I have left?

6.  The book I am reading has 300 pages I am on page 87 how many pages do I have to read?

7.  The school library has 200 books in it. I have read 47 books, if I wanted to read all of them how many would I need to read?